5.5. Editing Notes
Ok, so before I start explaining how you can edit a note, I would like to first explain how 7 Sticky Notes works when it comes to handling the notes.
All notes have two states, the first (1) is the "locked" state. At this state the note can be moved, resized, and deleted but it cannot be edited. The second (2) state is the "under editing" state. You can easily recognize if a note is in this editing state, because the configuration window, where you can make all special customizations, is showed right on the side of the note, moving along every time the note moves.
This is how a note looks in both states:
The note is locked:
And now the note is being edited:
How to start editing a note?
You can edit a note by any one of the methods below:
(1) Clicking on it with the middle mouse button (easiest way)
(2) Double clicking it
(3) Pressing CTRL + E
(4) Using the menus/toolbars from the
Notes Manager
Once the note is in editing state, the note's "Configuration Window" is opened on its side, and you can customize everything about your note. Each one of the properties that you can change using the configuration window will be explained later at the
Configuration Pane topic.
Once you finish editing you note, you can save it, or discard all changes. To save the note, just click on the green "tick" button at the configuration window (showed at the image above), or press "CTRL + S" while at the body of the note for a quick shortcut. Otherwise, if you would like to cancel the editing, then just press the red "x" button at the configuration window, or press "CTRL + W" while at the body of the note for a quick shortcut, and all your changes will be discarded and the note's previous styles and configurations will be rolled back to the previous state.
Did you know? While you are editing your notes all your changes are saved
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"online" by 7 Sticky Notes. In this way, even if you experience a power loss, a sudden reboot, or accidentally close 7 Sticky Notes, the next time you start it, you will be back exactly at the editing point you left and won't loose anything!!
Text Tokens Replacing
And lastly, let's explain about a new feature of 7 Sticky Notes included at v1.8, called
Text Tokens Replacing! Basically, the Tokens Replacing feature was created to allow you to include quick and easily specific information (of the note or not) at its text, without having to search and input them manually.
It is quite simple but powerful at the same time, and basically works by giving you a few choices of "codes" that you can use to automatically input information, like dates and times, for instance. All tokens are formatted using a default code so they can be uniquely identified, in such way that (1) they are always between '[' and ']' characters and (2) they always have the prefix "ssn", that stands 7 Sticky Notes.
Here are the tokens that 7 Sticky Notes recognizes until now:
[ssn_date] - inserts the current date
[ssn_datetime] - inserts the current date and time
[ssn_time] - inserts the current time
So, all you need to do is simply enter any of these tokens at the note text, and when you save it, it will be automatically replaced by the respective information!! For example, for the [ssn_datetime] token listed above, check out how it works:
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 Just input the token, and when you save... |
 ...it will be replaced! |
So with the Tokens Replacing of 7 Sticky Notes you can easily and quickly input the current time and other information at the note, without having to manually copy anything!! :)