5.13.3. Quick Synchronization: How to Use it
Now that we have all configured and explained, let's move to the first synchronization type: the Quick Sync!

Using the Quick Sync is very easy, like commented on the previous topic the Quick Sync is an area inside the Sync File of 7 Sticky Notes that you can use to store single notes, that will be then stored online (by DropBox, for instance). So, basically you'll want to perform 2x actions (1) send a note to Quick Sync or (2) get the notes from the Quick Sync, which are going to be explained below next.

Sending a note to Quick Sync:

So, to send a note to Quick Sync you have two options: you can either use the note right click menu, or you can use the Notes Manager. To send a note to the Quick Sync using the note right click menu, all you need to do is just right click a non-editing note, and then choose the "Copy note to Quick sync" menu, as you can see at the image below:

    Click the "Copy note to Quick sync" menu to send it to the Quick Sync

Note that if the "Move notes by default to Quick Sync" option is enabled at the Sync Section of 7 Sticky Notes Options, this item will instead be then called "Move note to Quick Sync" and it will by default move the note to que Quick Sync area, instead of copying it. Also, there is one additional feature on this menu: if you press the CTRL key when clicking it, it will invert the "Copy" action to "Move", and vice-versa. That is, the menu says "Copy note to Quick Sync" and you click it with CTRL pressed, then you will instead move the note to the Quick Sync.

The other option is using the Notes Manager, where you will be able to send either one or multiple notes to the Quick Sync. Note that the note menu showed above will only send that note to the Quick Sync, but, at the Notes Manager you will be able to sync up single or several notes at once! To learn how to send notes to the Quick Sync using the Notes Manager, please check the Notes Manager's Sync File Management topic.

Then, once you click the "Copy note to Quick Sync" menu, the selected note will be instantly copied into the Sync File, and, as you can see at the image on the right, a balloon popup will be showed at the 7 Sticky Notes tray icon, informing that the sync was completed successfully! The balloon will also inform you the current number of notes inside the Quick Sync for a quick status.

And right after that, within a few seconds the sync file will be synchronized by your Sync Software (DropBox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, etc), making you now to already have your note online and available for sharing from anywhere!!


Getting a note from Quick Sync:

Well, now that you already have one or a several notes inside the Quick Sync, you might want to get them, either if you are in the same computer, or from another computer running 7 Sticky Notes, right?

To get a note from the Quick Sync is quite easy too, and you also have two options: you can either use the 7 Sticky Notes Program Menu or you can use the Notes Manager. To get the notes from the Quick Sync using the Program Menu, all you need to do is just open it, navigate through the "Synchronization" menu, and then click at the "Get all notes from Quick Sync" item, as you can see at the image below:

    Click the "Get all notes from Quick Sync" menu to get all notes inside the Quick Sync.

Note that right in the end if the "Get all notes from Quick Sync" menu you have the number of notes inside the Quick Sync in parenthesis.

When you click the "Get all notes from Quick Sync" item, 7 Sticky Note will move all notes inside the Quick Sync into the Desktop that is currently selected. Is important to notice that, as commented, by default this menu item moves out all quick sync notes from the sync file into your Desktop. Keep this in mind and, if you don't want to move them, just press and hold CTRL while you click this item and then they will be instead just copied and will then still remain also in the Quick Sync.

Then, once you click the "Copy note to Quick Sync" menu, you'll instantly have the notes locally, and, as you can see at the image on the right, a balloon popup will be showed at the 7 Sticky Notes tray icon, informing that the sync was completed successfully!


  And lastly, notice that the "Get all notes from Quick Sync" menu will move/copy all notes at once from the Quick Sync, but if you want you can also get individual notes as well using the Notes Manager. To learn how to get individual notes from the Quick Sync using the Notes Manager, please check the Notes Manager's Sync File Management topic.

As explained before, the Quick sync is the best method to sync single notes (send and receive them). But, if you want to sync all of your notes from all Desktops at once, then check the next topic for using the Complete Database Synchronization!