Added new "Macros" right click menu at the notes, to allow inserting the current date and time in the text (date & time, only date, and only time) - thanks Daniel for the idea!
Added new action option for note Alarm/Wakup: change color theme! Now you can setup a note to change the color theme once it alarms or wakes-up! - many thanks Ken Harrington for the suggestion!
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Improved and corrected auto-backup data naming to allow Windows Explorer alphabetical sorting - thank you Daniel for the feedback! :)
Fixed "discart" spelling mistake - thank you Stan for the report ;)
Improved default alarm/sleeep times from the program options: now when the "at specific date/time" options are not selected, the default value for these fields will be the current date/time - thank you Dave for letting me know about this ;)
Added hyperlink recognition of shared folders using "\\" and corrected recognition for hyperlinks with only the prefix
Bug Fixes
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Corrected internal version numbering to follow the new 2.0 release.
Fixed bug that caused a "Type mismatch" error when using the Slovak system date formatting "d. M. yyyy" - thank you PsychoSpooky and Maráz for reporting it! :)
Added new checking structures to prevent "Object not set" error when saving the options after a first install as reported by several users
v1.9 | Official release date: January 8th, 2013
New Features!
Click to expand and auto-adjust
New HYPERLINK feature! (kudos for Trevor for the suggestion! )
▪ Now you can add customizable Hyperlinks on the note text!
▪ Hyperlinks can be anything, files, folders, directories, links, urls, e-mails, you name it!
▪ The Hyperlinks work exactly like the ones you create on Word or on E-mails: just select a text and create a hyperlink for it!
▪ Added a new "Hyperlink" button for the config window, so you can edit or insert Hyperlinks
▪ Added (1) a right click menu to the hyperlinks, that allow you to edit the link, edit the text, open the hyperlink, or remove it, and (2) a new "Copy hyperlink" item at the note right click menu so you can easily copy any hyperlink
▪ Now all links on the notes also will show automatically a tooltip, with the configured link (if is a hyperlink or not) to let you quickly now the link it points to!
▪ Now the hyperlinks and standard links also work on the Notes Manager!!
▪ The Hyperlink also includes automatic detection of pasted Microsoft OneNote links! When you paste a OneNote note link with CTRL + V or right click note menu, 7 Sticky Notes will automatically detect it, and paste it as a full working OneNote hyperlink with the Note name! thanks Daniel for the suggestion!
New super cool NOTE TABBING AND SELECT feature!
▪ Now 7 Sticky Notes offers a nice and cool way for you to see which note is selected and to switch between the selected notes with the keyboard!!
▪ Simply press SHIFT and the note that has focus will get a nice glass-style frame around it, showing that is it selected, so you can move it, edit, and do any action with it!
▪ The glass select frame will blink nicely and softly, so you can easily find the note with focus
▪ Also, when pressing SHIFT, press TAB too, and the focus will tab to the next note, or, press SHIFT + CTRL + TAB, and the focus will tab to the previous note, letting you cycle between all notes! - thanks Jean-Guy for the suggestion!
▪ You can customize the cycling order at the notes manager, between "by position", "by order", "by title" and "by text"!
New PASSWORD SECURITY feature! - thank you Eric and everyone for the suggestions! :)
▪ With the new Password Security Feature, now 7 Sticky Notes allows you to protect your notes and the program from unauthorized access!
▪ A new "Security" section has been added to the Program Options, where you can setup all security configurations of 7 Sticky Notes: setup password, require password to access different program functions (unlock notes, start 7 Sticky Notes, access the Program Options and access the Notes Manager), and enable the Restricted Mode.
▪ A new Restricted Mode has been created, to completely protect 7 Sticky Notes: when the Restricted Mode is enabled at the Options, a new "Switch to Restricted Mode" item is enabled at the program menu, that allows you to enter into the Restricted Mode
▪ Once in Restricted Mode, all program options will be locked, such as editing notes, moving, configuring, showing, Notes Manager, etc, and it will only be possible to exit 7 Sticky Notes
▪ A new program menu will also be showed in the Restricted Mode, that will allow you to exit Restricted Mode, upon Password Authentication
▪ Added new option at the Program Configurations to setup 7 Sticky Notes to automatically start into Restricted Mode
New LOCK NOTES feature! - thank you everyone for the suggestions!
▪ As requested by many users, now 7 Sticky Notes allows you to lock notes and protect them from being changed!
▪ The Lock Note feature allows you to lock each note from the right click menu or the Notes Manager, so they can't be edited, moved, rolled, etc.
▪ When a note is locked, a new "lock" icon will be visible over it allowing you to quickly identify that it is locked.
▪ The Notes Manager' overlay icons have been updated to easily show notes that are locked
▪ Added new toolbar and menu items at the Notes Manager to allow locking/unlocking the notes
New HIDE NOTES feature!
▪ As requested by many users, 7 Sticky Notes now allows hidding specific notes with a simple click!
▪ Added right click menu item to allow "hidding" a note instantly
▪ The hidden notes are compatible with setup alarms, so now you can configure an alarm, hide the note, and when it alarms it will show up
▪ Added new icons at the Notes Manager to identify and manage hidden notes (simply press "Show" and it will be showed again!)
▪ Added new toolbar and menu items at the Notes Manager to allow hiding/showing the notes there
New Online Sync Notification option! (thanks Thierry for the suggestion! )
▪ New option now enables to automatically detect new notes and images at the Synchronization File and give a nice user notification about it
▪ A popup message window will fade into the screen to notify the removal or inclusion of new notes in the Quick Sync, changes at any of the Database Images, or at the Synchronization File
▪ Enabled by default, but can be disabled at the Sync section of the program options
▪ The new popup message window was designed to easily show with icons the notifications, with configurable auto-close time and easily dismissable by simply pressing ESC
▪ Added new shortcuts for the note body! (kudos for George for the suggestion! )
▪ Shortcuts use the same keys combinations as Microsoft Word's, for an easy adaptation
▪ CTRL + SPACEBAR or CTRL + SHIFT + Z at the title or note body to reset the selected text for the Default Style (configured at the options, removes highlight)
▪ CTRL + Q at the note body to reset the selected paragraphs to the default styling
▪ CTRL + ALT + H to Highlight the selected text
▪ CTRL + ALT + H again to remove the Hightlighting of the selected text
▪ CTRL + SHIFT + V now pastes the text present at the clip board on the note without formatting (previous Unicode paste was improved, now 7 Sticky Notes detects Unicode paste automatically).
New improvemens for the Program Options!
▪ Added option to move notes by default when sending notes to Quick Sync (when enabled, CTRL both on the Notes Manager and on the note menu will act as a copy)
▪ Added option to disable the delete note confirmation dialog - thanks Tim for the suggestion!
▪ Now it's possible to disable individual global shortcut keys. An (none) key option for the third shortcut key was added, and when all threee keys are (none), the respective shortcut is disabled - thanks Glenn for the suggestion!
▪ Added a new SHOW NOTES Keyboard Shortcut option! When configured (for instance WIN + S) it will bring all your notes to the front, making sure they are visible, just like the middle click on the tray!
▪ Added option to "Visual Effects" to allow choosing the "notes tabbing" order between "by position", "by order", "by title" and "by text".
▪ Added a new option to make notes transparent when mouse hovering them!! This is specially helpful when using very transparent notes, and thanks Ryan for George for the suggestion :)
▪ Added new Export unidentifiable database button at the Database Section, to allow 7 Sticky Notes developers to debug user databases without seeing their personal data
▪ Added new note default alarm and sleep options! With these new options it is now also possible, like the other styles, to define the default new notes configurations for alarm and sleep, saving some time setting it up ;) - thanks Magdalena for the suggestion! :)
▪ Added new Enable Online Sync Notifications and Sync Notification auto-close time options at the Sync Section, to allow automatic Online Updates Notifications
▪ Added new Default Move on Sync Down option at the Sync Section to allow customizing the default "Sync Down" default action between Move/Copy in all functions of 7 Sticky Notes
New note right click menu options!
▪ Added a new "Always on Top" right click menu item, to allow setting a note on top or not with a quick mouse click!
▪ Added a new "Show Title" right click menu item, to allow showing or hiding a note's title with just one mouse click!
▪ Added a new "Hide" right click menu item, to allow hiding individual notes!
▪ Extended "Auto-Size" menu functionality: now when clicking it and pressing SHIFT all visible notes will be auto-sized! - many thanks Jacob for the suggestion!
▪ Redesign of note editing right menu - now it includes Undo and Redo besides the traditional Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete, and it is now translated to the program language!
▪ Added a new right click menu option for the recycle bin to show all notes together, that is without grouping them into their recycle days - thanks Rob for the suggestion
▪ New keep selected item capability: now when the Notes Manager is refreshed, it will keep the previously selected item, for a better usability
▪ Added new icons for "Hidden" notes
▪ New "Status Descriptions" for all toolbar buttons and icons - now when hovering the toolbar and using some special buttons at the Notes Manager, the description of each one of the buttons will be placed in the status text for better usability!
▪ Added compatibility to the default Move/Copy configurations setup in the options for Send/Receive notes from the quick sync, so the actions in the Notes Manager (handling notes from and to the Quick Sync and Database Image) use these options (Copy or Move) as configured.
▪ Added new complete status information when selecting Notes Manager Desktops, Sync, Search and Recycle items: notes, notes sleeping, notes alarming, and notes hidden. - thanks Wolfgang for the suggestion!
▪ Added new stats information: notes alarming and notes hidden - thanks Wolfgang for the suggestion!
▪ Added new search combinations: hidden and locked notes
▪ Added new CTRL + A to select all and CTRL + SHIFT + A to unselect all items at the Desktops list of the Stats pane of the Notes Manager - thanks Wolfgang for the suggestion!
▪ Added new toolbar icons, new menu items, and new notes' icon overlay images for the new features "Hide Note" and "Lock Note"
▪ Added new search options for filter per hidden and locked notes
▪ Added new overview stats: number of notes with Alarm, and number of notes Hidden
New 7 Sticky Notes French Translations! and updated languages
▪ With special thanks to Pascal for the great work and help, 7 Sticky Notes now has a full French Translation language, and now all French-Speaking users can fully use and enjoy 7 Sticky Notes!! :) - Many Thanks to Pascal for the great help!
▪ Also with great thanks to Jean-Guy for the great work and help, 7 Sticky Notes now has a full Canada French Translation language!! Now all Sticky Notes French-Speaking users from Canada can also fully use and enjoy 7 Sticky Notes!! :) - Many Thanks to Jean-Guy for the great help!
▪ Updated German Language - thank you Wolfgang for the superb help!
Added new Default Title custom variables!
▪ New variable for inputting the Desktop Name: [DesktopName] - thank you Rich for the suggestion!
▪ New variable for inputting the Current Selected Database: [DatabaseName]
New note text shortcuts!! All new shortcuts are exactly the ones used at Microsoft Word, to offer the best usability ;) - with great thanks to Richard for the very nice suggestions and tips! :)
▪ TAB bullet: now press TAB at the beginning of a bulleted line and the bullet indent will increase by the default indent step configured at the options!
▪ SHIFT + TAB bullet: now press SHIFT + TAB at the beginning of a bulleted line and the bullet indent will in oposite decrease by the default indent step configured at the options!
▪ CTRL + SHIFT bullet: now press CTRL + SHIFT at the beginning of a bulleted line to enter a normal TAB - just like in Word!
▪ default SHIFT + TAB The default CTRL + TAB shortcut to tab from the note text to the title was now changed to SHIFT + TAB to offer a more consistent operation (can be switched back manually though)
▪ SHIFT + M: increases the current line indentation by the default indent step configured at the options.
▪ SHIFT + CTRL + M: decreases the current line indentation by the default indent step configured at the options.
New attachments right-click menus and shortcuts!! (thank you Francesco for the suggestions!)
▪ New Attachments Shortcut - CTRL + C to copy the attachment to the clipboard, CTRL + V to paste a copied file/folder to a linked attachment, and CTRL + SHIFT + V to paste a copied file/folder to an embedded attachment
▪ New "Open in Windows Explorer" menu - Opens the attachment's folder in Windows Explorer, and select it
▪ New "Send To" menu - Allows sending the selected attachment to the "Send To" items of Windows (note: shell extensions are not supported)
▪ New "Copy" attachment menu - Copies the attached file/folder to the clipboard
▪ New "Paste" as attachment menu - Pastes copied files/folders as embedded or linked attachments
▪ New "Delete linked Attachment" menu - Allows deleting the file/folder of an linked attachment
▪ New "Rename" attachment menu - Renames the attachment file/folder
▪ New "Properties" menu - opens the default Windows' properties window for the selected attachment
New UNDO CANCELLED EDITING feature! (thanks Dave for the help!)
▪ In order to help the usability of the Config Window, now it is possible to undo a "Cancel Editing" made by mistake so you don't loose your data!
▪ New note' right click menu items to allow undoing the "cancel editing", with easy to do icons
▪ Undoing allowed for "Cancel Editing" of new notes and existing notes.
▪ Data automatically saved in memory: everytime a notes' editing is cancelled, 7 Sticky Notes will store its data to allow undoing it in case it was done by mistake
▪ For cancelled new notes, a clickable balloon tooptip will also be shown as an "Undo" shortcut.
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Added a new more detailed error message with automatic online help troubleshooting page opening to provide specific error solution information to help users solving problems with common errors that have already been fixed or that have known solutions. The Online Help troubleshooting page has also been redesigned to provide a better usability for finding solutions.
Fixed Notes Manager scrolling to the selected note when clicking on it at the list
Corrected change flag not being updated for complete sync comments checkbox at the program options
Improved the notes handling focus: now a special block was included, to prevent the notes from getting the focus when the program is not focused (thanks Daniel for the help :) )
Fixed cropping dates at the date pickers when system short date was configured to "MMM" (now is forced to "MM") - thanks Dave for pointing it out! :)
Improved "file:" links execution: now files and folders paths using the file: scheme and %20 space separators as will be properly open when clicked
Fixed small indentation rounding imprecision when using the Indentation Buttons of the Configuration Window (thanks George for the help! )
Improved the automatic links detection that the "file:" prefix on the body of the note
Greatly improved the time for bringing notes to front, used at the Notes Desktop, at the new "Show Notes" shortcut, and at the "Send to Back" menu function - what was around 1 second now takes less than 10ms !!! B)
Fixed positioning of "Rename Desktop" and "New Desktop" inputboxes on Notes Manager (was on top left of the screen, now is centered on the Notes Manager)
Corrected not updating font styles when editing or creating a note and the "Always focus note text" option is selected - thanks Daniel for the help! :)
Fixed "Fonts List" for the Config Window and for the Notes Manager not being alphabetically sorted, now they are, thanks to Dhat ;)
Corrected transparency slider and Options saving not updating the drop shadow transparency when visible
Fixed notes count for the Quick Sync menu not updating when sync file didn't exist
Improved automatic note sizing: now the note height will be automatically checked to see if it will be out of screen. If it will be out of screen, the height will then be automatically limited to the maximum possible on-screen visible height, so the note is fully visible - thanks Anshay for the help!
Improved "external" program focus switch handling: now, if 7 Sticky Notes loose focus, once focus returns to it, it will make sure the last note or config window that was selected has focus! - thanks George for the suggestion!
Improvement for the Active Sync automatic database reconection: now this feature has an extra reconnection step, if connection fails after 10 attempts, 7 Sticky Notes will perform a complete database disconnect/reconect in order to try accessing it - thanks Milt for the help!
Implemented some changes and improvements (special checks, code separation, dedicated routines) on the themes rebuilding for the program options in order to avoid "With Block Not Set" errors when saving the program options, as reported by some users
Fixed notes snapping not working for multiple monitors setup (was only snapping to primary monitor) - thank you Jeremy for reporting it! ;)
New handling of program Message Boxes: now if any note is "On Top", any message box will also be showed "On Top" not to be hidden by the note/config/alarms setup, plus now the messagebox will also show on the monitor the user has the mouse on - thank you Graham for the help!!
Reviewed the auto-close times for all program balloon tooltips according to their messages. Now longer messages will be visible for the default time, and shorter messaged will be shown quickly
Added new nice improvement to the "New Note already exists" balloon tooltip: now when clicked, 7 Sticky Notes will automatically find and show shaking the new note, even if in other Desktop, so you can easily locate it - great thanks Dirk for the nice help!
In order to improve program performance and accidental overloading of notes attachments, now 7 Sticky Notes has a hardcoded limit for the number of attachments on each note. This limit is now a maximum of 30 attachments per note (files/folders/embedded/linked/file inserts/etc), and when adding more than 30 attachments for each note, only the 30 first will be attached. Some improvements have been done also on the attachments drawing processing to prevent errors - a great thank you Bagrat for letting me investigate the problem!!
Corrected terms not being translated - thanks Wolfgang for reporting them!
Fixed Notes Manager not showing the correct next alarm date/time when the recurrency was set
Unicode text paste on the notes is now automatic
Improved the auto-size while typing function of the notes - now the note height will be automatically checked to see if it will be out of screen. If it will be out of screen, the height will then be automatically limited to the maximum possible on-screen visible height, so the note is fully visible - thank you Andy for the great help!
Corrected "Notes Manager Print" not outputting the last bullet if it was on the last line of the Note text - thank you Rich for the report!!
Added extra length capabilities for the Alarm and Sleep actions - Now it is possible to input actions text from the previous 255 characters to now 2000 !! - thank you Daniel for the heads up!!
Now inserting text files, image files and rtf file by drag-and-drop is allowed also for new notes (attaching files is still only possible when the new note is saved)
Error handling improvements:
▪ Now the errors log also informs if user is running the portable version, the language details, and the monitors resolutions
New "Save and Sync Up" button at for the Configuration Window: will be visible when either the note is setup to sleep or to switch desktop, to allow quickly synchronizing it right after saving a note that will be hidden. - thank you Thierry for the hint! ;)
Great improvement on the note/config bring to front while editing: a new smart detection mechanism has been implemented on 7 Sticky Note to detect if the Note or Config Window are visible. If they aren't 7 Sticky Notes will bring them to the front automatically to allow full visibility and more natural usability.
Added global ESC shortcut key to also close any Tray Area Tooltip Balloon that might be open
Improved notes icons drawing in the Notes Manager: the title is now also drawed for the icon theme
Fixed problem of wrong positioning rolled up notes' drop shadows while animating when bringing to center out of screen notes - thank you Reed for the help and detailed information!
Improved attachments handling on portable mode: now embedded attachmnts are referenced locally, in order to allow changing or moving the portable 7 Sticky Notes folder.
Added new automated data verification and check that is performed if a database corruption happens that prevents 7 Sticky Notes from starting - thank you Robert for the help with the tests!
Added new options button to open the 7 Sticky Notes data folder and show the config file location.
Added new internal option to change the Sync File library file pointer (manually change from the configuration file)
Now the "Copy Note" action (note right click menu, and Notes Manager copy) will copy the note(s) to the clipboard (title and text body) - thank you Rob for the idea!
Fixed tooltips not showing correctly on the Program Options window - thank you Wolfgang for the report! :)
Corrected the Notes Manager statistics calculation to also include the existing notes when getting stats for "Total Number of Notes"
Bug Fixes
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Major bug fix: corrected 7 Sticky Notes program general crash in Windows 7 when drag and dropping note text over the note body (specifically, fixed program exception caused by Outlook/E-mail attachment handling drop verification) - thank you very much Tony for the heads up!
Fixed select color always black when editing the text of the note - now it is adjusted automatically so the selected text can be visible (specially important for black notes!) - thanks Gass for letting me know!
Fixed null error when indending notes lines with different intentations - thank you George for reporting it!
Corrected object required error when undoing/redoing modifications on the Note text at the Notes Manager
Fixed overflow error when setting up an alarm with a very high date (hundreds of months) - thanks Pakij for the finding!
Fixed bug of not updating the Note local Desktop name correctly when renaming a Desktop from the Notes Manager
Fixed fonts drop box of the Config Window and Notes Manager not sizing correctly (one line height bug) - thanks Tim Hogan for the help!
Fixed Notes Manager fonts list not listing the fonts when opening it for the second time
Fixed some Online Sync fields at the 7 Sticky Notes options now being disabled when the active sync is deactivated
Fixed Alarm and Sleep setup window not showing in front of note and config window that are set as "Always on Top"
Fixed some issues of incorrectly identifying sync items if a Desktop was named "Sync" at the Notes Manager
Corrected tray balloon tooltip click to open website download page not working when tray icon was disabled from the program options
Fixed right click note menu move actions possibly not working when mouse position was over the note client area
Added important safety checks for general program actions for attachments drawing processing to prevent error when dealing with long lists of attachments per note
Fixed not hiding attach pad when dropping text, rtf and picture files on the note
Corrected glitchy mouse blink and focus trap when middle clicking the note text while in editing note
Fixed Desktop not found error when Desktop Name was exclusive for a New Note
Implemented database self-correction checks to fix error of null value in Sleep and Alarm action fields for the database tables - many thanks Diego for the report and help!!
Fixed incorrect Unicode text pasting of non-unicode characters (not extended encoding)
Fixed error coming from bug when checking the out of screen position when importing a note at the Notes Manager - thank you Simon for reporting it!
Fixed bringing all config windows to front and not showing notes in front of the Notes Manager when selecting one of them with the "Bring all other notes to front" option enabled.
Corrected overflow error when arranging the notes on large monitor setups (over 3000px wide) - thank you Reed for reporting it!!
Fixed incorrectly showing the shortcut overlay for embedded shortcut attachments
Fixed bug of not sorting the "Alarm Date/Time" and "Wake up Date/Time" columns in Notes Manager - thank you Dave for the finding!! :)
Added backward compatibility to the Alarm/Sleep Actions and Lock note fields of the database, to prevent errors if by any reason a rollback to a previous version of 7 Sticky Notes is done - thank you Stefano the reporting this!!!
Fixed invalid value error when calculating the Notes Statistics with limited number of results - thank you Wolfgang for the help!
v1.8 | Official release date: May 28th, 2012
New Features!
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Attending many requests I am proud to announce the much waited ONLINE SYNCHRONIZATION feature of 7 Sticky Notes to integrate it with DropBox, Google Drive, Microsoft SkyDrive, and many other online synchronization services!!! Check out below the cool funcions of this great new feature :)
▪ When activated, 7 Sticky Notes will now create one single special Synchronization File which will hold all or any specific notes you want. With all notes inside it, you can then simply and easily syncronize this file using any online storage service, and now be able to send and receive your notes to any computer, anywhere you go!!
▪ The synchronization file has 2x main sections: a Quick Sync area and a "Database Images" area
▪ "Quick Sync" area: will hold any individual notes you want. On the Quick Sync you can work with one note at a time, so you can quickly send and receive any notes to your online storage
▪ "Database Images" area: will hold entire database images of 7 Sticky Notes. This means that it will hold complete copies of your notes, so you can sync all your notes to and from anywhere, making sure all your notes are the same on any computer
▪ The Online Sync is enabled from the options, under the "Sync" section. When enabled, it will enable the usage of the Sync File from many new functions that become available at the program.
▪ Added a new "Copy note to Quick Sync" item to the notes right click menu, so you can easily send any notes to quick sync
▪ Added a new main "Synchronization" item to 7 Sticky Notes program menu
▪ Under the main "Syncronization" menu, you have now 4x functions:
- Get all notes from Quick Sync: will move all the notes on the quick sync to the viewed desktop. This menu will also show the current count of notes inside the Quick Sync, and by pressing CTRL the notes will be copied from the Quick Sync (not moved)
- Sync Up Database Image: Creates a database image of the current 7 Sticky Notes database inside the synchronization file
- Sync Down Database Image: Replaces the current database by the most recent Database Image inside the synchronization file. A safe backup is saved before this action.
- Undo Sync Down Database Image: Undo the last "Sync Down Database Image", by restoring the current database with the latest sync backup (created before the sync down). A safe backup is also created before this action.
▪ Added a new Online Synchronization Pane inside the Sync section of the program options, so now you can:
- Define the sync file location
- Enable multiple database images inside the sync file, and define up to how many there will be
- Define the maximum number of sync down (and undo sync down) local database backups
- Disable synchronization of Statistics (makes complete syncs a bit faster)
- Always ask for entering a comment when creating a database image in the sync file, so you can add any observation to Database Images
▪ And lastly, all of these cool stuff are completely and easily integrated and managed by the new Sync File item of the Notes Manager! If you have the sync file enabled, a new "Sync File" item will show in the Notes Manager, allowing you to:
- Review all the notes inside the Quick Sync and Inside any Database Image
- Check and modify all Database Images, including its comments, numbers, and synchronization date/time, and check the sync date/time for any note inside the Quick Sync
- Delete individual database images
- Send (move or copy) notes to the Quick Sync and any Database Image by Drag-and-drop
- Get (move or copy) notes from the Quick Sync and any Database Image to any Desktop by Drag-and-drop
- Sync notes from the Quick Sync to their respective Desktops
- Sync down from any specific Database Image
New Danish Translation for 7 Sticky Notes!! All the thanks to Mogens for the incredible work and great help with the Translation, an amazing contribution that will be extremely appreciated by all Danish-speaking users!! :)
New Spanish Translation for 7 Sticky Notes!! Extremely thanks to AgustĂn for the amazing translation work and great effort, now all spanish speaking users around the world will be able to use 7 Sticky Notes!!
Introducing a new AWESOME Align Note to Grid/Snapping feature!!! kudos for Felipe for the help ;)
▪ This new feature allows you to easily *and very cooly* align your notes to other notes, to the screen, or to a grid, so now the organization of them is now easier than ever!!
▪ By pressing CTRL and moving the notes they are now automatically snapped (aligned) to other notes borders, and to the screen border!!
▪ By pressing SHIFT when moving the notes a new grid is showed on the screen that allows you to snap and align also the notes automatically with the grid
▪ Added also a new feature to move notes using the keyboard arrows - SHIFT + UP/DOWN/LEFT/TOP offers a fast note move, and CTRL + SHIFT + UP/DOWN/LEFT/TOP offers a fine note move
▪ And finally, all new alignment features are customizable - at the options you can customize the fast and fine keyboard note move steps in pixels, the size of the grid cells also in pixels, to hide or show the graphical grid on screen when using the grid alignment, or to make the notes Snap all the time! (without having to press CTRL)
New option for checking new beta versions for 7 Sticky Notes! With this feature enabled at the options, you can automatically know when there are new betas available! (enabled by default on Beta Versions) - many thanks Daniel for the suggestion!
New Alarm/Sleep Action feature!
▪ This new features now lets you setup a customized action to be executed once the note alarms or wakes up!
▪ Included actions: Open a program, file, folder, link, url, document, etc, shutdown computer, restart computer, log-off user, and run command.
▪ Extra cool "Pick-a-Program" tool to allow directly pointing with the mouse a program to be opened
▪ Available from a new "Actions" section on the Sleep/Alarm config window
▪ Drag-and-Drop support: Drop links, texts, and files directly into the action text box to assign actions
▪ Updated "Alarm" icon on the note: now when an action is setup, it will be showed with a small arrow watermark, for a super-easy recognition of configured alarm actions
▪ Allows running commands from the Windows prompt-line, for batch and automated operations
New nice improvemens for the Notes Manager!
▪ Now the Notes Manager saves the drop pad list, so it can work like a favorites list! Thanks Rob for the tip!
▪ Now the Notes Manager shows also the icons for notes with alarm!
▪ Added two new columns at the Notes Manager' list to show the "Alarm" and "Wakeup" times for the notes, which can be added or removed by the top menu, list view menu, toolbar button menu, or column header right click menu! They are sortable, and also saved in the user preferences so they are the same if you close the program - thanks again Rob for the suggestion!
▪ The Notes Manager also now saves other user-preferences such as the widths of the List columns, the chosen view mode, the vertical and horizontal split bars positions, and the Notes Manager Window Properties (size, position, maximized, minimized, etc) in the program memory so they are kept once you restart the program - thank you Garry for the suggestion!
▪ Added new Copy and Paste menu for the Notes Manager and Copy menu for the note right-click menu. The copy and paste at the Notes Manager can be accessed too by CTRL + C and CTRL + V
▪ Added "Copy" note function also to the drag-and-drop and "Move to Desktop" functionalities of the Notes Manager - now just press CTRL when dropping a note to have it copied!!
New improvemens for the Program Options!
▪ A brand new "Default Fonts" section, to better organize the fonts for new notes
▪ New options to customize the size and position of new notes! Now is possible to define which monitor and in what position (manual or automatic) the new notes will be show, plus the new note size!! thank you Rooholah for the idea! ;)
▪ Added option on the Alarms section to make note "Always on Top" when it wakes up - thanks Dave for the suggestion!
Updated Italian Language thanks Luca for the great help!
Updated German Language thanks Yannick for the great help!
New shortcut keys options!
▪ New shortcut keys "UP" and "DOWN" to roll the note up and down when the note has focus and is note under editing - many thanks William for the suggestion!
▪ New keyboard shortcut option: when "ALT" key is pressed while saving a note, the "auto size" function is disabled to allow not auto-sizing the note.
▪ New keyboard shortcut option: when "SHIFT" key is pressed at the "Roll Up" or "Roll Down" menu then with the current note all notes will be rolled too
▪ New keyboard shortcut option for the notes: now just press CTRL + D on a note to duplicate it! (included CTRL + D caption on the right click menu of the note)
▪ Now when the "SHIFT" key is pressed while you press the "Add Note" button of the notes, the respective note will be also duplicated!
▪ New keyboard shortcut option: when CTRL + L will now insert or remove a bullet from the line of the note text!
New option to use the last selected database when the program starts - with this options the program "remembers" the last selected database, so when you start it, it will be already selected, exactly like the last time you were using! - many thanks Daniel for the suggestion!
New feature to Define the Default Theme for Selected Desktops! Just define at the options at which Desktop each Theme should be used by default in new notes!(suggested by Wilson!)
Now is possible to restore the notes directly from Recycle Bin at the Notes Manager also by dragging from the Tree (was only possible from the list until now)
Added note alarm "bell" image a tooltip - now its tooltip will inform the configured alarm time, plus the action that will be performed once the alarm triggers if configured, and the remaining time for the alarm! - many thanks for Rob and Abhishek for the suggestions!
Added "Help" menu at the Notes Manager to open the online help, as a quick consult shortcut
Added new options to customize the "mouse click" action on the program tray icon. It will work as default, but now it is also possible to customize the "left click" and the "middle click" to show notes, show/hide notes, hide notes, create a new note, or do nothing. A nice customization option many thanks for Roberto from Italy for the nice suggestion!
New Note Auto Size feature!! When enabled, now notes can automatically fit to text while you edit it for a top-easy and cool note editing review! many thanks Sasha for the suggestion!
New Replaceable Text Tokens feature! (thanks Garry for the suggestion! )
▪ Now the program will automatically detect special tokens on the notes text or title and replace them automatically with special information once the note is saved
▪ Tokens supported for now: [ssn_date] (inserts the current date), [ssn_datetime] (inserts the current date and time), and [ssn_time] (inserts the current time)
Added new icon to the "Move" item of the note right click menu
Click to expand and auto-adjust
On the program internal design side, a new extremely helpful new mechanism has been implemented to track bugs: now 7 Sticky Notes will also log the code line from where the error came from - that should help speeding up error investigations, making the program overtime even more stable an reliable with better bug-fixing ;)
Complete redesign of keyboard shortcuts/hotkeys functions - now they are faster, cleaner, and also work better by only executing the hotkey if the exact keys combination is pressed - thank you so much Mike for the nice help!
Now the "Translation Success" message at the options is showed at the chosen translation language
Fixed translation of common dialogs titles, notes manager first column titles and notes manager drop pad tool tip (they were not being translated) - Thank you Luca!
Added 2 buttons for languages on options: one to open the language files folder, and the other to edit the selected language file on notepad
Corrected not removing the red color of additional databases items on the Options window after re-defining the path
Added also option to export and import note from a txt directly - as suggested by Giu and Rob!
Improved error system information gathering (now OS information is very precise, including 32 and 64 bits), and now it it updated everytime an error is generated
Fixed/Improved displaying of caret on note text and focus correction when scrolling the text, allowing proper mouse actions on the current note (resizing, for instance), and other notes (moving, etc) - thank you Valerio for the help!
Implemented a lock during roll animation to prevent errors while rolling the note Up/Down thanks Wilson for the help ;)
Improved the auto-size function of the notes - fixed leaving an extra space on the bottom of the note when autosizing a note smaller than the text that has a fit width, and fixed sometimes showing the scroll bar on fit notes where shown (thank you Collin for the good great help!!)
Improved a few edit/cancel/save cursor actions (cursor position is now restored, and words are not selected anymore when double click editing) - thanks Garry ;)
Added internal note number reference to the errors log for easier bug tracking
When performing a restore (overwrites the database), now the program will automatically make a backup of the database on the AppData folder to avoid data loss cases
Fixed default "Title" and "Note Text" try areas on the options not being updated when window was loaded - thanks Garry for the catch!
Fixed "top line" visible when not using borders on notes - a nice catch by Ronen :)
A little improvement on how the program handles the MCI32.OCX file not being present (to avoid any error)
Added a few checks and locks while saving the options to prevent errors while showing/hiding notes, and performing other program functions
Added a new smooth fade animation to the Notes Desktop - a small but nice improvement :)
Fixed not showing the newly imported note from text in the Notes Manager
Improved a few internal function calls for shortcuts and tray icon interaction that should improve stability a bit
Added a few improvements to the new note suggestion: now it only happens once each time the desktop has no notes, and with the possibility to disable this function completely
Improved full directory creation for program folders (database, attachments, backup, temp folders, etc)
Corrected title font being italic after an italic font was selected - thank you Garry for the catch!
All the up/down buttons of the program were improved to allow quick increse/decrease when the mouse button is hold pressed (default behavior) - thanks again Garry!
Added a Small bell image on the note title to allow informing an setup alarm also when the note is rolled up - a cool sugestion by Garry :)
Added a small "arrow" at the end of the "repeat line" for the alarm window, just to make a little better to understand that it will repeat after the note alarms
Fixed CTRL + BACKSPACE not working on the note title
Improved the entering in editing process: now depending on where you click on the note, 7 Sticky Notes will throw the focus either to the note text or to the title. Now the focus handling is more smooth too (if the option to always focus the note text is enabled, then the behavior is not changed and the edit will still focus the text)
Fixed some menu icons showing with white background - they look awesome now :)
Corrected missing "October" month at the yearly repeat alarm configuration drop down list - many many thanks Lauren for catching that!! :)
Corrected changing of scrollbar position when Undoing and Redoing the modifications on the note text - now the scrollbar position is locked for a better usability - thank you very much George for nice suggestion!
Improved database path handling on portable mode: now when running the portable version of 7 Sticky Notes, the database path will be forced for the local folder, to allow compatibility when moving a removable storage drive on different computers with different drive names. Now the database location is also locked and cannot be changed on the portable version, to use choose other databases, use the "Additional Databases"
Fixed roll up/roll down not working when using the track pad on notebooks - thanks Agustin for reporting it :)
Corrected bug for "Last Modified" date being showed on the "Wake Up" label for sleeping notes on the Notes Manager - thank you so much Dave for informing that!
Fixed Alarm/Sleep config window being behind the note and the config window if they were setup to show "always on top" and now the "alarm trigger" button is enabled by default on the Note Configuration Window - thank you so much Dave for informing that!
Bug Fixes
Click to expand and auto-adjust
MAJOR BUG FIX: the bug that caused "Invalid procedure call" errors after sequential showing/hiding the notes is now fully corrected!! All internal program structures for message tracking and processing have been modified, re-done using another approach, and extensively tested. This bug has been around for quite some time and I am glad to say that it is now completely fixed, making the program as stable as ever!! - Thank You so much everyone that reported it!!!
Fixed February 29th bug! Being a bissextile year, an error could happen when selecting the date for the alarm, which was related to an incorrect build order of the date internally on the program. Guess we had our own millennium-bug style bug :D thank you Garry for helping investigating it, and for everyone that pointed it out!!
Fixed AM/PM labels not showing for all time pickers controls of program for systems using AM/PM time format (specially english) - Major fix, thank you John and Rob for informing!
Fixed not correclty breaking wakeup sound labels with more than 2 words (special translated ones) at the timers configuration window
Fixed note not being showed when sleeping was cancelled from the edit at the Notes Manager
Fixed not updating the drop pad note theme, title and text when it was edited in the Notes Manager
Fixed drop pad not removing non-existant notes when it was hidden
Corrected error of max length reached for note title - now the max title length is fixed for 250 characters
Fixed incorrect sorting of Desktop Switcher list items, that was causing the controls to be misplaced
Fixed "Object Required" error when right clicking the left tree Recycle Bin on the Notes Manager thank you Oscar and Luca for the finding!!
Better handling of errors on program shortcut link (that normally happens when Windows blocks access to it)
Corrected keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + S (save all open notes) not working
Fixed wrong taskbar program icon blinking color when auto synchronization
Corrected "Modal error" when opening program windows while the timers form was being loaded (specially possible using the keyboard shortcuts) - thanks again Garry for the letting me know!
Fixed incorrectly allowing program to perform actions while the notes where arranging
Fixed notes move from Notes Manager showing sleeping notes
Fixed "drop shadow blink" glitch when loading the notes - now is as smooth as ever! :)
Corrected glitch of not showing the "Alarm" icon on the notes when waking up with alarm enabled
Fixed incorrect formatting on exported notes in text file - on some systems the new line character was different and caused the import to fail. The program is now able to work in both situations.
Corrected not formating the time picker for the alarm/sleep window when using AM/PM system time format
Fixed not choosing correct new note text font color when "Auto change new note text colors to assure best contrast" option was selected - couldn't be possible without Giu's help! :)
Corrected right alt key being interpreted as ctrl for some program shortcuts, thus preventing special keys to be pressed on the notes' text (for example, AltGr + W for '?') - many thanks Daniel for the help!
Improved the way the "Prevent Show Desktop Hidding the Notes" feature works so it avoids showing the notes all the time - many thanks for Artus for the help!
Fixed note not being focused in Windows 7 x64 despite what focus option was selected - many thanks Rob for the finding!!
Corrected bug of Desktop Switcher List not being placed correctly when using manual on screen position - thank you Garry for reporting it!
Fixed notes being showed partially duplicated when a new note was alarming on a Desktop different than the selected one on program startup - quite a finding!
Fixed bug of wrong not null table fields for newly created databases - thank you very much Tore for letting me know!!
Fixed progress bar not showing when Windows Themes were disabled
Corrected Notes Manager not refreshing when saving a new note
Fixed error when saving a note with Alarm at the Notes Manager
Fixed overflow errors on several program parts when using extremely (very) long notes - thank you very much George for the finding, debugging and help!!!
Fixed bug of "Update without Edit" error when rolling the note - great thanks to Rafael for reporting it!
Fixed default Sound Files not being found on portable mode
Corrected bug of not flagging down the alarm for sleeping notes without shaking
v1.7 | Official release date: December 24th, 2011
New Features!
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Introducing the new amazing Advanced Notes Searching feature!
▪ Advanced search options per multiple or single terms text, title, Desktop Name, attachment name, Theme name, with extra selectable options such as attachment properties, dates, position, alarm, sleep, etc
▪ Optimized search engine and specially designed search section for easy navigation
▪ Highlighting of text matching words directly at the search results with total count at status bar
▪ Search results with special "Desktop Name" column
New Find and Replace function!
▪ Find case matching option
▪ Recursive find and replace
▪ Replace all with matching count
▪ New CTRL + F and CTRL + H shortcuts to access find and replace easily from the body of the notes
New Notes Editing from the Notes Manager feature! thanks for Ben for the suggestion!
▪ Now is possible to edit the notes from the notes manager!
▪ Title text edit
▪ Full note text edit, with all font style options
▪ Theme change, Alarm and Sleep configurations, with save/cancel keyboard shortcuts
New Fast Database Switch Option! - kudos for Daniel for the suggestion!
▪ When enabled, creates an extra program menu item to fast switch to a pre-selected customizable list of databases (set up on the options)
▪ Unlimited list of databases to switch, all managed at the options, with labeling supported
▪ Added support for drag-and-drop of database files for the fast switch list
▪ Modified program to point to the full mdb database file, and now is possible to use any mdb file, not anymore only notes.mdb
▪ Modified auto-backup function to allow backup also of the additional databases (option enbled through the options)
▪ Database create right from the list
New improvements for the Configuration Window:
▪ New highlight text option! Fully color configurable, one click action, with option to reset the highlighting! - great thanks for Giu for the suggestion and help!
▪ Added right click menu to reset all three advanced indentation slide bars
▪ Added "ESC" key shortcut to close indentation frame quicky
▪ Improved click bahavior for all configuration window buttons
▪ Fixed richtextbox hiding selection when focus was lost to the configuration window
▪ Improved text color behavior so it does not change to the selected color, imitating Microsoft Word's color behavior
Complete Redesign of Program Options:
▪ Added New Sections - System, Desktop Switcher, and Database
▪ New menu, with new icons
▪ Added extra Desktop Switcher options, including for the new Desktop Switcher List
▪ Added Fast Database Switch section
▪ Added auto-backup option for additional databases
▪ Added default highlight color option
▪ Redesigned Backup and Restore buttons + included success message
▪ New drop pad for extremely quick restore with simple drag-and-dropping the database
▪ Added option to choose the note focus (Title or Body text) when editing - thanks Maurizio for the suggestion!
Improvements of the Notes Manager:
▪ New long-waited PRINT NOTES feature! Now is possible to print single or multiple notes to a detailed, user-friendly report!
▪ Added new useful and cool drop pad on Notes Manager, allowing to select specific notes to allow performinf special bundle actions, such as print, export, move, etc, etc.
▪ Added restore notes for specific Desktop by using the drag-and-drop and move functions
▪ Added autoscroll when for drag-and-drop operations of the tree
▪ Added count of total selected notes at the list pane
▪ All date and time selection boxes now have a right click "Now" menu
▪ Extended restore function for restoring multiple notes
▪ Reviewed display and enabling of all menus
▪ Added import notes from database feature!
▪ Added progress bar for displaying importing progress
New Desktop Switcher List! Now besides te tradicional individual Desktop Switcher, 7 Sticky Notes also offer a Desktop Swithcer List, with a list of all Desktop Switcher Desktops on-screen, so they can be more easily selected! The Desktop Switcher List is also completely customizable! - many thanks for Rob for the idea!
Added tracking of "Up" and "Down" keys to allow cycling through the Desktop Switcher List if it is visible.
Changed minimum Desktop Switcher fade speed to 1ms to allow almost instant fade speed
Added Desktop Swicher Options: added options to enable each one of the Desktop Switcher styles, as long as which monitor they will show, and to position them automatically, or manually on the monitor.
Added option to Roll Notes Down (besides the Roll Notes Up) at the Arrange Notes Feature - many thanks again for Rob for the suggestion :)
Added right click menu option to "re-link" any "linked type" attachment to point a different file or folder
Added right click menu and "CTRL + UP" and "CTRL + DOWN" keyboard shortcuts to switch note theme
New Notes Manager keyboard shortcut (WIN + N), configurable at the options - thanks Sanford for the excellent suggestion!
Added "play sound" button at the alarm/sleep setup window
New tray icon color for easier and more friendly "Sync" error notification - now, when 7 Sticky Notes is not able to connect with the database, the automatic sync function makes its icon RED to show that the program cannot connect to the database, thus having a less intrusive and clear notification - many thanks for Eric for all the testing and validations!
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Fixed "Hide notes when desktop clicked" not working when using Windows Vista and 7 slideshow wallpapers
Fixed "Do not let Windows' "Hide Desktop" hide the notes" not working when using Windows Vista and 7 slideshow wallpapers
Now whenever either the "Sleep" or the "Alarm" are set, using its special windows, the respective enable checks are automatically marked, to avoid it not be enabled by accident.
Fixed not exiting add sound when cancelled the sound name first on the program Options
Now on the database manager the dialog folder starts up with the selected folder (a small but nice improvement)
Fixed not translating some system menus
Removed undesired "open" action when double right-clicking the attachments
A small improvement on the way the dll and ocx files are registered on the setup package, to ensure they are correctly installed in any environment
Fixed always selecting black color when canceling the color selection on the options
Fixed title not updating text upon resizing kudos for Daniel for the finding :)
Replaced default tab behavior for note body text. Now TAB inserts a TAB, and CTRL + TAB switch to title, to allow easier note editing thanks Frederic for the tip ;)
Better handling of not-accessible database errors - now network errors are properly handled
Now middle click on tray also show notes if they are not visible
Bug Fixes
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Fixed synchronization problems when using multiple users - special thanks for John for the findings and help!
Corrected "Cancel was selected" error when selecting sound file at the options, and when exporting a not on the Notes Manager - many thanks for Brenda and Rob for catching that :)
Corrected invalid value error when plotting statistics
Fixed not updating configurations when restoring sleeping or alarming notes
Fixed problem of not playing sound for notes that had already woke up or alarmed but were not acknowledged
Fixed bug of not removing the attachment database entry when deleting a note permanently directly from its button
Fixed note text not scrolling correctly
Removed error when dragging a file over the notes manager
Fixed new note created with attachments if a note with number zero had attachments (database query correction)
Fixed error on notes manager when first order note theme was deleted
Corrected files registration issue under portable mode that caused the Options window not to work correctly. kudos for Maurizio for finding the error!
Fixed wrong menu icon redrawing when saving options
Fixed incorrect configuration file reading, specially for non-english system languages thanks Yannick from Germany for the great help!!
v1.6 | Official release date: September 1st, 2011
New Features!
Click to expand and auto-adjust
New File Attachment capability!! The long waited feature comes with beatifully integrated attachment of files on the notes with "link mode" and "attach mode", an exclusive "attach pad" with preview icons for all attached files and folders, as well as full drag and drop usage, either for dragging-in or draggin-out! For sure one of the most awesome single features so far :)
Added option to export one or multiple notes to a zip file, with all and the attachments compressed (selectable option to export only linked files, only embedded files, or all files), as long as feature to import zipped files for allow easy moving of the notes files around and between computers :)
Added full support for drag and drop capabilities, which includes dropping of plain text, formatted rich text, images (png, bmp, tiff, gif, jpg, jpeg, etc), text files, rich text files, and file images!
Added Italian Translation!! Special credits to Redi and Luca for the great effort and help in translating
New ultra-stylish redesigned program icons! Including new icons for 7 Sticky Notes (high resolution 256 px for Windows 7 and Windows Vista), tray icon, taskbar button, option window and Notes Manager!
Now tray icon and taskbar icon changes color to easy identify if the notes are shown or hidden! Yellow, shown, blue, hidden, easy!
Added automatic note sizing to fit text option when saving (size to fit content)
Added new right click menu entries for the notes: "Auto size note to fix text", "roll up/roll" (to allow using the feature without the mouse wheel), "Delete Note", and "Move To Desktop".
Added icons at the notes' right click menu items for easy identification
Added program option to "hide notes when desktop is clicked"
Changed alarm/wakeup function to only change the desktop for the necessary one if a note wakes up or alarms. If different notes wakes up/alarms at the same time from different desktops, the "All Desktop" will be showed as usual
Added quick and cool tray pop up balloon to suggest and offer a shortcut to create a new note when no notes are available on the 7 Sticky Notes great thanks for Stacie Jo for the feedback!
Included some missing keys options at the shortcut options (such as 'left alt' and 'right alt'), allowing now a complete keyboard shortcut customization - Thanks to Daniel for the heads up!
Added program option to enable or disable the hide/show notes behaviour when tray icon is clicked - thanks again Daniel!
Now is allowed to run 7 Sticky Notes Portable and 7 Sticky Notes Normal side-by-side at the same time on the same computer - great suggestion by Christopher!
Added CTRL + T shortcut key for strike-through text effect - many thanks to Tore for the great suggestion
Added 'CTRL + W' keyboard shortcut to cancel the edition of a note - special thanks for Gary for the great help and suggestion!
New Arrange Notes Feature! Now is possible to arrange the notes on the screen, with full customization options such as ordering as ascending/descending, by title, by note order, by creation date, and on the left/top/right/bottom part of the screen, as well as options to arrange the notes rolled up and sort only the notes from the current monitor, or from all monitors, for multi-monitors setups!! Special thanks for Rob for the suggestion!
Middle mouse click on tray now forces all notes on top
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Great Improvements for the Notes Manager: (many thanks to Rob for all the suggestions and help!)
▪ New right click menu options to "Show Desktop", "Rename Desktop", "Delete Desktop", and "Show Desktop" (moved from from program options)
▪ Added "column click reorder" for the notes showed at the right list pane
▪ Added drag-and-droping of Desktops to change their order
▪ New right click menu option to define the Desktop as "Default Initialization Desktop" and to "Remove it from Desktop Switcher", with identification images "-" and "1" at the Desktop image of the tree to easily show the options used
▪ Now the Notes Manager shows at the Desktops icons which one is selected at the program (small green circle flag)
▪ Now the left tree shows the title of the notes, and the right pane list shows the title in the first columns, and the text at the second column
▪ Now the Notes Manager opens up with the current showed desktop selected
▪ Basically moved all Desktops management from the program options to the Notes Manager
▪ Added "Center Note" menu and toolbar button to bring the selected notes to the center of the current monitor
Added program option to enable the "all notes to be bring to front" behavior when a note is focused. Now this behavior is disabled by default. great thanks for Daniel for pointing that out!
Added right click menu at the themes section of the program options to allow creating, renaming and removing of notes color themes, besides the functions buttons
Once and for all, fixed system slow down when using the WIN + X keyboard shortcut - great thanks for Steve and Robert for pointing that out!
Full Review of the Active Synchronization routines, with special checkings to avoid unnecessarily bringing notes to the front when program is out of focus, optimization of focus return for currently editing notes, modification of the sync method (now the notes is hidden, then shown back again), and added a "Sync Executed" message by blinking the tray icon to orange, to show that the program has just performed an automatic syncronization! - great thanks to Daniel for all the help!
Added extra error checkings for note configuration screen, and for the loading of the themes configurations - Many thanks for Mike Daniel for helping!
Moved several program notifications from "Message Boxes" to "Balloon tooltips" on the tray icon, that is now showed if not visible, and then automatically dismissed, for a smoother usage, and removed some unecessary program messages - also many thanks to Tore for the suggestion!
Aligned menus shortcuts, included "secondary menu shortcuts", and changed the Notes Desktop to a "toggle behavior" - also great thanks to Tore :)
Now non-editing notes don't have the caret (cursor) visible (long wanted fix)
Now scroll up/scroll down will work even if title is not selected (just mouse hover now to activate)
Added right click note menu also for the title
Fixed bug of not being able to move the text around the note by dragging and dropping
Fixed program behavior of incorrectly showing window when using the Windows 7 task button and disabled minimize animation of the taskbar button - Many thanks to Steve for the triple monitor testings!!
Improved error logging to include the most current system information values
Fixed allowed vertical sizing of rolled up notes
Fixed small glitch of roll down not redrawing correctly right at the beginning
Fixed minor glitch of incorrect sizing for the Statistics Desktop drop down list with only one Desktop present
Fixed a few issues of not executing CTRL + A, edit, etc on the note title
Fixed minor note focus issues when using in-note shortcuts for editing, saving, and cancel editing
Changed "Not found backup folder" message at the program options - now is created automatically (special thanks for Rob )
Improved error logging by adding the list of open windows
Changed default install folder for the Portable version from C:\ to the Desktop to follow Windows 7 guidelines of usage
Bug Fixes
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Added unicode support for the title of the notes Once again thank you Unsal!
Fixed search error of "unable to search Statistics" of the Notes Manager on systems that are configured to the "" data format, for example used in Turkish languages - Many thanks for Unsal for letting me know!
Fixed incorrect Notes Desktop positioning when using multiple monitors in different (non-aligned) desktops positions (thank you for everyone who emailed me )
Fixed not correctly closing when using the option "Use Window 7 'close' button to switch hide/show all notes"
Fixed not able to resize the note when mouse over the thin note border
Fixed out of screen check when using multiple monitors
Corrected problem of not updating the language file automatically when installing a new version
Fixed incorrect showing of the notes when user clicked on the Desktop after the notes where displayed by the "Windows Show Desktop Disable" option (many thanks once again for Willy! )
Not saving empty shortcut keys at the options corrected
Corrected Notes Manager sizing accordingly to the window title
Corrected and implemented several checks to avoid "invalid modal form display" errors many thanks once again to Tore for the help!
v1.5 | Official release date: May 24th, 2011
New Features!
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Answering requests, now 7 Sticky Notes offers FULL TRANSLATION OPTIONS!
▪ Specially designed smart, fast-performance translating algorithm (zero slow downs!)
▪ Uses a user-customizable open translation script and tools to allow anyone to collaborate and create its own translations
▪ New language translation page at the options window to allow importing, management and switching of 7 Sticky Notes languages
▪ Full translation of the install package, with "Language" selection install option
▪ All texts, messages, labels, pop ups, menus, and tooltips were reviewed, spelling errors have been corrected and all texts were improved.
Complete rebuild of the Notes Manager:
▪ Complete redesign - now cooler and easier to use
▪ Added upper menus for quick access to all functions
▪ Added icons toolbar for easy access of all functions
▪ Added Export, Import, Duplicate, Move, Show, Recycle, Remove Permanently, Restore and Wake Up actions
▪ Added details view mode (creation date, removal date, etc) at the Notes List
▪ Included Sleeping Notes at the Desktops with special "sleeping icon"
▪ Improved drag-and-drop functionality
▪ Added statistics for tasking control and review, with graph-generation of notes "Life Time" and total notes per selectable period
Glad to announce new "FULL NOTE THEME CUSTOMIZATION"! Now you will be able to fully customize the themes of your notes to make it look exactly like you want! The new full themes customizations includes:
▪ Selectable color (full color scale) for title background, upper gradient color, lower gradient color, border color, and controls colors
▪ Redesigned, improved, and cleaner note controls buttons (add new note, and delete note controls)
▪ New black and white controls allowing creation of dark, yet elegant colored notes :) (very cool - special thanks to Maria!)
▪ Modified colors for the 7 default themes - now more colorful and vivid
▪ Easily add your own new themes
▪ Remove existing themes if you want
▪ Re-order current themes
▪ Name/Rename themes
▪ Complete redesign of routines to dynamically adjust images to the themes to assure best viewing on alarm/wakeup messages
▪ Added themes names and increased list width for themes drop down list at the configuration window
Additionally, new visual effects options added at the configurations:
▪ New "Themes" section to manage note colors themes
▪ Easy theme colors selection by "instantly applied" color picker on a test note
▪ Option to enable/disable showing thin border on the notes
▪ Added "Shuffle Theme" for random color theme for new notes - thanks for Pasi for the idea!
▪ Added option to auto-select the new note title and body color (black or white) to ensure best contrast
▪ New customizable drop shadow size
▪ New customizable drop shadow strength (transparency)
New "Roll note to title" effect! With a simply and quick mouse wheel scroll the note rolls up to the title, saving instantly and precious screen space! - kudos to Redi for the great suggestion!
Desktop Switcher improvements:
▪ New speed customization option
▪ New timeout customization option
▪ Shortcut button to auto-center the desktop switcher at the options screen
▪ Added strike font style to desktop switcher
▪ Now you can customize in which direction the Desktop Switcher will animate (vertical or horizontal), and for what distance
▪ Added automatic quick start note creation to new databases
▪ Added option to remove "all desktops view" from Desktop Switcher
▪ Added NEW ACTIVE SWITCHING option to Desktop Switcher
▪ Changed Desktop Switcher behavior so it will show the current desktop on the list even if is not selected to be included at the cycle list
▪ Added option to enable/disable the auto select of the Desktop Switcher
▪ And finally, now the desktop switcher can CYCLE BACK using a customizable key! - suggested by Robert :)
Unicode text support: (Thanks a lot for George for the testings and help! )
▪ Added suport for unicode note text - Including tested Georgian, Thai, Armenian, and Arabic
▪ Included auto-detected "paste as Unicode" shortcut key (CTRL + SHIFT + V)
Setup Package Improvements:
▪ Reduced installation size (~100kb) and embedded internal dll avoiding registration issues on non-privileged systems - thanks for Andre for the testings!
▪ Improved "7 Sticky Notes already open" detection, with special screen for display and option to force closing it - thanks for Pat for the help!
▪ Updated 7 Sticky Notes logos
Keyboard shortcuts:
▪ Made a small improvement on the shortcut keys detection performance
▪ Added third keyboard shortcut key option for every shortcuts. For example, now you can use CTRL + ALT + N for a new note! - suggested by Robert :)
▪ Added CTRL + SHIFT + V shortcut key for "pasting unformatted" (plain text) on the note
New database compacting capability:
▪ Allows to reduce the database size if it gets unnecessarily big
▪ User-definable option to automatically compact the database every time it gets over an specified size
New automatic database backup option - Thanks Christopher for the suggestion!
▪ Completely configurable Auto backup frequency (On Startup, before exit, daily, weekly, monthly, and by period - hours, days, weeks or months)
▪ Definable database backups folder
▪ User defined max number of database backups to keep
Improved Previous Instance action: Now, when the user tries to launch 7 Sticky Notes and it is already running, instead of showing the "already open" message, 7 Sticky Notes will automatically show the notes of the currently open instance, adding a much more user-friendly behavior (great idea from Reinaldo, thanks! )
Changed default shortcut key combinations to use the >WIN key instead of ALT key in order to not conflict with Alt shortcuts of other programs. Now the default shortcuts are WIN + Z, WIN + X, WIN + C, WIN + V, WIN + SHIFT + V (thanks for Peter for the heads up! )
Addded "ENTER" keyboard shortcut (1) at the font families list, (2) at the font size list, and (3) at the indentation scrolls of the configuration window to allow returning the focus to the note
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Greatly improved compatibility during execution for non-privileged users, by using COM Server registration for the current user scope only instead of system-wide registration - many thanks for Andre for the spectacular help!!
Added "Middle Mouse Click" to edit the note - now besides double clicking the notein order to edit it, you can now do it also by "middle-clicking" it, which is a lot faster!
Added note right click menu with shortcuts to note duplication and exporting
Included CTRL + A shortcut at the note for "Select All" text
Added support for multi "redo" and "undo" at the note text (CTRL + Z and CTRL + Y)
Redesign/Rearrange of Sync Options section
Added "Always On Top" default note configuration at Options Screen
Increased the step of the transparency bar of the configuration window (easier to scroll)
Added 2x default sounds with 7 Sticky Notes, one for the alarm, and other for the wakeup
All 7 Sticky Notes logos are now updated
Greatly improved load time for the "Note Configuration Window" and for the "Options window"
Removed the "automatic selection on mouse hover" behavior for the Option Window's navigation menu
Corrected small issue that could occur if changes on the note were being made while the program exited
Slightly improved note load time
Corrected unnecessary synchronization execution during note startup
Implemented check for desktop finished switching or not using the menu.
Fixed flickering of title buttons when mouse was over the title of the note (specially noticeable in Windows 7)
Corrected a few spelling errors
Fixed wrong duplicated sound path message at the options screen
Fixed default title format used when reset was clicked on the options screen
Fixed all "tab orders" at option screen
Fixed indent controls not being disabled upon note load if title was visible
Fixed not showing Grab Pad on new notes
Fixed bell alarm icon overlapping alarm label when user clicked cancel on a alarm-configured note
Fixed new note not showing up if the notes were hidden
Fixed small glitch of focus not returning to note when "UP" and "DOWN" font size buttons where being press at the configuration window
Corrected alarm bell positioning after creating a new note
Fixed controls orders on the configuration window for correct "alt-tabbing"
New improved drop shadows position redrawing for detecting screen change situations (when switching other full screen apps) - Thanks to Pasi!
Implemented more accurate drop shadows positioning when moving and resizing notes
Allowed running 7 Sticky Notes without sound, in case no sound library is present at the user's system (thanks Andre for testings )
Fixed changes not being detected for some controls at the options window
Bug Fixes
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Fixed incorrect transparency display for the Desktop Switcher when screen color quality (bit depth) was set to 16 bits
Fixed problem when launching the vb run-time package under Portable mode
Fixed problem of the vb run-time package not being copied to the installation directory under portable mode
Fixed new note editing title not being saved if the desktop was switched,the notes were hidden or if the program closed.
Fixed "Cancel was selected" error in Options window, detected under Linux execution
Configuration Windows now showed correctly with Notes Desktop If the used changed desktop really fast, the notes could overlap each other
Fixed invalid property error when trying to change the title font color
Corrected Setup Package not updating old version files (dll/ocx), causing the program not to start - many thanks for Sanz for finding that out!
Fixed "Object Required" error when naming a very short sound name (under 2 letters)
Fixed locked notes when not using fade effects
Fixed incorrect removal of editing when using the buttons delete/recycle note of the configuration window and canceled the confirmation
v1.4 | Official release date: December 21st, 2010
New Features!
Click to expand and auto-adjust
New 7 Sticky Notes Portable Version - Run 7 Sticky Notes from your flash drive, memory card or any removable storage
New feature: ACTIVE SYNCHRONIZATION! - Synchronizes all your notes automatically every time they are changed by another 7 Sticky Notes instance.
▪ Specially designed for using 7 Sticky Notes in separate computers, with multiple users sharing the same database, (thanks for Tim for the help! )
New feature: Desktop Switcher!:
▪ Allows quick switching between desktops
▪ Smoothly fades in upon shortcut key press and let you cycle through all Desktops
Added Windows 7 Compatible Taskbar Button: (thanks to Zamara for the suggestion! )
▪ Allows Windows 7 "pin to taskbar" option
▪ Allows full 7 Sticky Notes control from Windows 7' taskbar
▪ Allows quick switching between desktops
Complete redesign for 7 Sticky Notes Options:
▪ New advanced, user-friendly and visual navigation menu
▪ Improved controls design, identification and pages descriptions
▪ New "Reset configurations to Default" button for each page section
▪ Added enable/disable active synchronization
▪ Added enable/disable Windows' Show Desktop lock - Prevents notes from be hidden when Windows' "Show Desktop" icon is clicked or when the user presses "WIN + D" to show the desktop
▪ Added customization to show or hide the notes when 7 Sticky Notes initializes
▪ Added option to "Show All Desktops" when 7 Sticky Notes starts
▪ Added new function to create the notes database automatically
▪ Added new "Switch Desktops" keyboard shortcut combination
▪ Added default title text customization with option to insert user-defined formatted dates, custom texts, and notes counter
▪ New selectable configuration to "Shake Note" or not when it wakes up
▪ Option to pick which Desktops will be shown at the Desktop Switcher
▪ Option to completelly customize the Desktop Switcher style: font family, size, style (bold, underline or italid) and color, and screen position.
▪ Tabbing orders reviewed and corrected
▪ New Sounds Options: implemented a new user configurable sounds list. Each note now can have its sleep and alarm sounds associated individually to this sound list, meaning that each note can have its own sound!!
▪ Option to switch hide/show notes using "close" button in Windows 7 taskbar
▪ CUstomizable default "quick indent" value
New shortcut keys for notes editing:
▪ CTRL + E enters editing mode
▪ CTRL + N to create a new note
▪ CTRL + S directly saves the editing note
▪ CTRL + SHIFT + S saves all notes being currently edited in the desktop
▪ CTRL + B shortcut for font bold
▪ CTRL + I shortcut for font italic
▪ CTRL + U shortcut for font underline
Added user confirmation at 7 Sticky Notes first run to enable/disable new version check
New and Improved Text Editing Options:
▪ Paragraph left indentation customization
▪ Paragraph right indentation customization
▪ Paragraph hanging text indentation customization
▪ Added "Quick Indent" buttons: increase and decrease paragraph indent
▪ New colored font color icon
▪ Improved automatic text style recognition
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Several changes to the Setup Package for compatibility with Windows 7 Standard User accounts: (special thanks to Christopher for the testings )
▪ Now all icons are created under common Windows folders in order to avoid problems with administrator elevation in Vista/7
▪ Removed auto admin elevation request at setup startup in order to allow a standard user to install the portable version
▪ Removed user data file removal on uninstallation, to avoid admin files to be removed by mistake
▪ Default database now is generated at run-time and not copied by the setup package
▪ Better handling when database is not present: created a new selection window to create a new database, or to select a database file, making it easier and more user-friendly
COMPLETE MULTIPLE MONITORS SUPPORT. Now notes are detected out of screen on multiple monitors and the configuration window position is calculated accordingly to the parent monitor
Better methods for automatic text change saving under editing and URL detection - faster and lighter (special thanks to Doug for the help! )
Improved always on top function
New version check timer changed to 60 seconds after startup
Faster configuration file read and write speed
Bug Fixes
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Fixed error found after "Show Desktop" command was called with no notes present at the desktop
Fixed unable to check text style at options window
Fixed "show title" checkbox at configuration window selected even when the note was defaultly created without the title
Corrected unable to browse network folders for the database location at the option screen
Fixed error when centralizing a new note out of the screen
TAB not being inserted in text when key pressed
Now tooltips are correctly showed at the configuration window
Fixed wrong title sizing when using large fonts
Now controls are correctly focused when notes are showed
v1.3 | Official release date: August 16th, 2010
New Features!
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Implemented text editor for note's body text: Now all notes can have fully formatted and fully customizable texts!
Picture insert: now you can to insert pictures at the notes!
Included "strikeout" font effect for title and note body text
Included "bullets" font effect note body text
New Sleep Feature:
▪ Enable/Disable Sleeping
▪ Time configuration for "Sleep For" "X" seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months
▪ Time configuration for "Sleep Until" Hour:Minute:Second of Month, Day, Year
▪ Note "Wake up Shake" option
▪ Option to trigger alarm after wake up
New Alarm Feature:
▪ Enable/Disable Alarm
▪ Time configuration for "Alarm In" "X" seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months
▪ Time configuration for "Alarm At" Hour:Minute:Second of Month, Day, Year
▪ Configurable recurring alarm: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Early or every "X" seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks or months
Sounds configurations for Sleep and Alarm:
▪ Enable/Disable for Alarm and Sleep sounds
▪ Definable Alarm sound (.mp3, .mid or .wav)
▪ Definable Sleep sound (.mp3, .mid or .wav)
▪ Repeat alarm and repeat sleep sounds playback options
Implemented Multiple Notes Desktops:
▪ Group notes by categories in separate desktops
▪ Show individual desktops/Switch between desktops
▪ Send notes to other Desktops
▪ Manage/Add/Remove/Rename Desktops
▪ Default "Shown Desktop on Initialization" option
New Notes Manager:
▪ Drag and Drop usage
▪ Manage Sleeping, Recycled and Live Notes
▪ Easily change notes between desktops
▪ Wake up notes
▪ Review/Restore/Clean Recycle Bin Notes
New feature "Send this note to back" option at note's right click menu
Added Backup and Restore functionalities
New "Make Note Always On Top" note option now available for every note
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Added program option to Remove/Show 7 Sticky Notes icon in tray area
Included manual database synchronization option (thanks to Tim for the help! )
Now 7 Sticky Notes' database location can be defined by the user, with support for network folders (thanks to Tim for the help! )
New color selection implementation, more efficient and fast
Added user warning message if there are unsaved notes still under configuration when exiting 7 Sticky Notes
Improved Recycle Bin's remove functionalities for removal of single and multiple notes/groups of notes
Changed errors log file location to Windows' Application Data folder
Added cool icons for 7 Sticky Notes' Menus!!
Improved sequential shortcut keypress answer time
Automatic database backup if user chooses to overwrite the database at the Setup
Bug Fixes
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Fixed problem of "configurations window out of visible screen area" when note is on the right part of the screen (as pointed by a few users)
Corrected "Not Found" error at the program options caused by a wrong startup icon presence detection (thanks to Michael for the help! )
Fixed wrong calculation of out of screen notes and not showed Notes Desktop when taskbar was located on the left side of the screen (special thanks to Samantha! )
Fixed drop shadows not redrawing on taskbar position change
Fixed not working selection o black color at the color selection
Fixed problem of not being possible to create a new note after user canceled a note removal confirmation
Text color not saved when close/open configuration window
Improved configuration window positioning to prevent being out of screen
v1.2 | Official release date: July 4th, 2010
New Features!
Click to expand and auto-adjust
URL's and internet addresses now automatically identified as hyperlinks (opens site in default browser when link is clicked)
Automatic Updates - Informs user when new version is available
New personalization options added to program's options:
▪ User-configurable keyboard shortcut keys combinations for "New Notes", "Show/Hide Keys" and "Notes Desktop"
▪ Enable/Disable Auto URL Recognition
▪ Enable/Disable auto update check on startup
▪ Enable/Disable "Start 7 Sticky Notes when Window Starts"
▪ Enable/Disable drop shadow effects
▪ Enable/Disable Transparency Effects
▪ Moving notes transparency enable/disable and configurable transparency percentage
▪ Fade-in Notes Effects Enable/Disable and fade-in time (ms)
▪ Fade-out Notes Effects Enable/Disable and fade-out time (ms)
▪ Default new note transparency
▪ Default new note show/hide title
▪ Default new note theme
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Improved fade in/out performance (speed)
Now all user files are installed and located in Windows's User folders (including start menu and application data folder). This ensures 7 Sticky Notes is installed only for the current user, and ensures user-files are located only in application data folder, following the correct user data storage guidelines, as is required by Windows 7.
Implemented automatic instant font change for advanced font configuration windows
Bug Fixes
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Improved animating notes detection to prevent "show/hide" operations while notes are fading
Fixed bug with not redrawing dropshadows if Windows was configured to not "show windows contents while moving" - thanks to Willy R. from Indonesia! )
Fixed problem with wrong note identification when re-creating the configuration windows in the case one of the under configuration notes was a new note
Fixed "not saving text alignment" bug
Fixed error when double-clicking an empty Recycle Bin's notes tree
Fixed dropshadows not redrawing when screen resolution changed
Removed small mouse flickering when resizing note
v1.1 | Official release date: June 6th, 2010
New Features!
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Note Title Font Customization for each Note:
▪ Font Family
▪ Font Color
▪ Font Size
▪ Text Alignment
▪ Font Style: Bold, Underline, Italic
Note Body Font Customization for each Note:
▪ Font Family
▪ Font Color
▪ Font Size
▪ Text Alignment
▪ Font Style: Bold, Underline, Italic
▪ Now it is possible to configure what font properties every New Note will have by default.
▪ These properties can be set for Note Title's and Note Body's fonts, as the following:
- Font Family
- Font Color
- Font Size
- Text Alignment
- Font Style: Bold, Underline, Italic
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Back database compatibility with previous version
Database overwrite protection for Install Package
Bug Fixes
Click to expand and auto-adjust
Duplicated note order after restoring from Recycle Bin
Error handler showing double messages and not recording details on log file
Crash when activating tray menu while modal message box was present
Setup package ActiveX missing and DLLs and OCX not being properly registered