Alarm Layout
Once you click at the "Alarm Setup Button" (showed at the alarms tab of the configuration window), the "Alarm Setup Window" is opened so you can configure the alarm parameters. The layout and usage of this window is going to be showed at the picture below and each one of its components is going to be explained in the following topics.

Alarm Pediod
Alarm Time
Alarm Recurrence Setup
Action Setup
Alarm Sound List
Set/Cancel Buttons

Alarm Period: Check the "In" box if you would like have the note to alarm in a specified period of time. For example, if you set up the period to "3 days" and enable the alarm of the note, the moment you save the configurations 7 Sticky Notes will start a count down of 3 days and, once the time is reached, the note will pop up shaking on your Desktop (and playing a sound, if you set it up) for you to know that the alarm activated. The time period can be configured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months, using the drop down list of this parameter.

Alarm Time: Check the "At" box if you would like to have the note to alarm at a exact day and hour, specified at the time selection box on the left and the day selection box on the right. For example, if now is 2:08 of September 12, 2024, and you setup the alarm time for 4 hours from now, 6:08 of September 12, 2024, the moment you save the configurations 7 Sticky Notes will start a count down of 4 hours and exactly at 6:08, the note will pop up shaking on your Desktop (and playing a sound, if you set it up) for you to know that the alarm triggered. Tip: right click the date and time selection boxes to set them as "Now".

Important note: It does not matter if 7 Sticky Notes is open or not, if the configured alarm time has passed, the next time you run the program it will detect that the alarm is due and will alarm all necessary notes.

Recurrence Setup: Check the "Repeat" box to enable the alarm recurrence. If this option is enabled, right after the note alarms it will use the configured recurrence parameters to keep repeatedly alarming. You can right click the time selection boxes to set it the current time ("Now"). The alarm recurrence section of 7 Sticky Notes was specially made with several bundled options so you can fully customize the times and dates the alarm will repeat:

     • Daily: alarm every specified hour, minute and second.
     • Weekly: alarm at selected days of the week (Monday-Sunday), and
        at a specific hour, minute, and second of every selected day.
     • Monthly: alarm at a specified day, hour, minute, and second of every month
     • Yearly: alarm at a specified month, day, hour, minute, and second of every month
     • Custom: Use a definable period of time between the recurrent alarms. The time period can be
        configured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months, using a drop down list.

Alarm Sound List: Specifies the alarm sound for the note using any sound present at the Sounds List of 7 Sticky Notes, which you can configure at the "Sleep/Alarm" section of 7 Sticky Notes options. Once you select a sound from the list, a small "Play" button is showed on the left, to allow you to hear the selected sound:


Action Setup: As of 7 Sticky Notes v1.8, you can also define and Action that will be executed when the note alarms! Here you will be able to choose between several action options, which are described below:

Opens any file or folder path. You can use it for instance to open a program, open one of your folders, a file document, an image, etc. On this option you can also see the "Pick" button, which is used to pick any program that is under the mouse pointer. To use it, just click on it, and drag the mouse over the program you would like to open, and 7 Sticky Notes will put in the box the path to the program. You can also easily select any file or folder, by dragging it directly into the text box, and 7 Sticky Notes will automatically get its path.

Shutdown Computer:
Shutdowns the computer as soon as the note alarms.

Restart Computer:
Restarts the computer as soon as the note alarms.

Log-Off User:
Logs off your Windows user as soon as the note alarms.

Executes any windows command. This option allows you to expand the capabilities of the alarm action, by letting you execute any command exactly as if would have been executed the "Run" of Windows Start Menu or the command prompt line. As soon as the note alarms, this command will be executed.

Set/Cancel Buttons: Used to Apply or to Discard the defined alarm configurations. If you apply the alarm configurations (press the "Set" button, then the "Enable Alarm Checkbox" at the alarms tab of the Configuration Window will be automatically set.

And finally, once the alarm is set and saved, an icon is enabled at the bottom of the body of the note to show that this note has an alarm set (and will show also if an action is configured). This icon was described at the previous Sticky Notes Layout topic of this help, and it looks like this: