5.14.6 Notes Manager's Desktops Management
As of v1.6 of 7 Sticky Notes, all Desktops Management now done through the Notes Manager, with some nice improvements that make their handling even easier.

All done with simple mouse and drag-and-drop operations, the Desktops management lets you create, rename, remove, re-order, show, and set special configurations such as removal from the Desktop Switcher list and default one for all Desktops for 7 Sticky Notes.

Besides that, now the Notes Manager offers special Desktops icons at the Tree Pane, so you to easy identify their current properties.

So, as was described at the Tree Pane topic, the Tree of the Notes Manager automatically shows
all the Desktops inside the program as parent nodes, with all the respective notes inside them. The image below shows an example with several Desktops on 7 Sticky Notes, each one of them having several notes:
The Desktops Icons

You may have noticed at the pictures above that the some of the Desktops have small images over them. Let's call them flags. Well, they are not there by accident. These flags were designed to help the easy identifications of the Desktops' properties, in order to make the Notes Manager usage even more smooth. There are a total of 3 flags that a Desktop can have, and, depending on how the Desktop is configured, it can show any combination of them, from none, to all 3 flags. The table below shows in details what each flag means:>

Flag Image Example Description
The Desktop is the default initialization Desktop, which means that it is the Desktop that will be shown when 7 Sticky Notes starts.
The Desktop is selected at 7 Sticky Notes. As explained in Multiple Desktops topic, 7 Sticky Notes will always have one Desktop selected, or have "All Desktops" selected at the program menu. Every time 7 Sticky Notes switches and shows a Desktop, the Notes Manager Desktops icons are updated so only the one selected shows this flag. That way you can easily see which Desktop is selected. If "All Desktops" is selected, then no icon will have this flag.
The Desktop is configured to not show up at the Desktop Switcher. As explained previously, the Desktop Switcher lists all existing Desktops so you can easily switch between them. By setting a Desktop to this flag, you configure it not to be showed at the Desktop Switcher list.

Some Action

Ok, so now that you know what everything means, let's see how you can use the Desktops Management functions of the Notes Manager. All actions for setting up the Desktops configurations are simple and done either by drag-and-drop, or right-click menu.

Ordering the Desktops

All Desktops ordering is done by drag-ang-drop. Simply click on the Desktop you'd like to move up or down, and drag it around the Tree. Once you drag it around, you will see that a insert bar is displayed, showing you the position where the Desktop will be moved to. To complete the action, just release the mouse and the Desktop will be placed in its new position, and the new order of Desktops automatically saved, so the changes reflect on all lists of Desktops in 7 Sticky Notes, including menus and Desktop Switcher. The picture on the right shows how the drag-and-drop reordering looks like.

Create, Delete, Rename and Show Desktops

The Create, Delete, Rename and Show Desktop actions are all accessed by a right click menu on the Desktop item. To use them, just right click the respective Desktop with your mouse, and select the desired action at the menu that will show up. All functions are pretty much straight forward, the "New Desktop" item lets you create
a new Desktop (the name must be unique), the "Delete Desktop" removes the selected Desktop (only if it does not have notes), the "Rename Desktop" renames the current Desktop name (here the name must be unique too), and the "Show Desktop" shows the selected Desktops, just like you clicked the Desktop item from the Program Menu.

Hide Desktop at the Desktop Switcher

As explained previously, you can remove a selected Desktop from showing up at the Desktop Switcher list if you want. To remove a desktop from the Desktop Switcher list, just right click it and select the item "Hide at Desktop Switcher". To show it back at the Desktop Switcher list, just do the same procedure, unselecting the menu. Note that you cannot remove all items from the Desktop Switcher, so when you come to the last item that was not removed, the menu item will be disabled to prevent the Desktop Switcher from being empty.

Initialization Desktop

And at last, you can configure here the Desktop that will be showed when 7 Sticky Notes starts. To choose which Desktop will be selected when the program start, just right click the respective Desktop and select the "Initialization Desktop" item from the menu that will show up, and that's it!